• AWA - Abundant World Actions - serves as an initiator and connector for various social service programs.

  • Our staff and volunteers are inspired and dedicated to being part of a regenerative and abundant earth.

  • Keeping the mindset that every person on this One Earth is equal and united, we all choose responsibility for all people and for nature.

  • Starting with you, AWA programs are facilitating this One Earth regeneration.

  • Making conscious decisions individually and collectively as a unified Earth,

  • AWA World Abundance Programs include opportunities for your involvement in nearly every field of study and practice. Gardens, Food and Medicine forests, Children, Arts, Education, Administration, Organization, Mixed Discipline Medicine, Food production, Kitchens, Architecture, Engineering, Building, Health, and Wellness.

  • Our team is growing and is open to people in all towns on the Earth. We are unified as humans now and we have wisdom, knowledge, experience, a solid vision and mission, and most important: LOVE…..

We together, unified

You, me and every person in your area, united with everyone on this One Earth. Sharing our common vision of world peace and abundance for all, and our physical and mental energy, assuring and facilitating that all people on this earth receive opportunity of living sustainably, creating equal or higher amounts food and product than consumed.

Click here to read more about fields and roles in our service programs.

2.Using space and energy we have

Right where you live, you can be producing food for you and your family. Rooftop gardening, growing vertically and utilizing public spaces, schools, and roads, taking advantage with plants of the 430 quintillion Joules of energy that hits the earth every hour. Community gardens and community food forests are being planted now.

Courses and Connections SOON

3. Self-sustaining and regenerative

Nature, science, and the collective minds of millions of scientists and farmers have given us the knowledge to grow plants in extremely efficient ways. All you need its a seed, a little care and attention, that seed creates a plant, and that plant gives fruit and more seeds. Utilizing our human excrements… yes, our pee and poop… in wiser ways helps all of humanity achieve our unified vision of world peace and abundance for all. By upgrading our human and animal waste management systems, we allow simplicity.

4. Self-improving

Worldwide we win. Our simple ways to share our abilities keep our projects and programs improving regularly. Our administrative staff is happy to receive input, criticism, and suggestions. Contact us.

We ensure through PUBLIC DATA, on the internet, and on our website, that the system of Town to Town is being monitored, inspected, and scrutinized with leadership and new bright minds, advice, and hands-on work from professionals and experts all over the world. we give a list of our prospects for staff and advisors.

  • Economy: Jeffrey Sachs. Areas of Specialization: Political Economics, International Development

5. Self-expanding

People who have received assistance in one town are also supported to go to neighboring towns to assist and collaborate. With simple organization, local town networking creates a strong local economy that is resistant to world economy trends while actively participating in world economy at varying levels. Everybody wins. Local and international authorities are balanced because their people are thriving in abundance.

6. Regenerative Infrastructure

In the field of architecture, we humans are excelling in maximizing food production, while eliminating pollution. We return to the earth and receive from the earth. We build in inner and outer cities, big towns and small towns, housing and simple buildings in line with all the specifications of the Framework for Regenerative Infrastructure guide made by https://closingtheloop. ca/section-one-home/framework-for -regenerative-infrastructure/ with the help of community energy association https://www.communityenergy.ca/

7. Education

Connecting and upgrading our entire experience as humans is one of our great benefits. Travel educational experience are an integral part of World Abundance. Click here for Abundant World Actions Educational travel and adventure.

Reference: guidelines from the Organics Infrastructure Program Of British Columbia. 

8. Foresting the earth

Our efforts together as One Earth allows humans, animals, and plants of all kinds to thrive in abundance. Our slight and simple daily efforts are already leading to amazing reforestation projects around the world. Every country has role models of people and groups reclaiming our Earth as an abundant Eden for all of us to share.

9. Local and World Economy Improved.

Each town, and each person now inspired and motivated to participate in our share One Earth vision of peace and abundance for all, creates local and world economy with the solid base of love.

To sum up…

In the lowest GDP and lowest income cities, towns and countries of the earth we create:

  1. Nourishment and nutrition

  2. Usage of free energy and space that´s being wasted

  3. Economy to export and import crops and food.

  4. Reforesting of the earth

Our team

  • Marielle Miracle

    3 April, 1988 - 14 March 2022

    Co-Founder and a supreme inspiration of all activities and concepts within our vision.

    From Austria. Marielle Miracle. was a world champion horse rider from a young age and a hopeful, encouraging personality to many. Her strong attitude of greatness blended with her sweet and loving nature continues to inspire social service projects worldwide.

    “I see this world unified, I see it in peace.“

  • TruFiel

    Co-founder and Director

    TruFiel is an artist inspired by continual expansion of arts, education, wellness, and abundance for all children on Earth, He produces and directs varying projects in social service, arcitecture, planting, arts, and education. Tru participates with his feet on the ground and hands in the dirt. Profits from TruFiel music, art prints, and merchandise benifit projects. of Abundant World Actions. www.TruFiel.com

  • Mar

    Producer and Director of Women’s and Children’s Programs.

    From Spain, passionate about personal development and knowledge different world views. Artist and educator with certification. in Special Education and Masters. Degree inn psycotherapy. She is the creator of the educational project "Brotes," which. focuses on arts and ecology.

  • Jonh Stern

    From the US, John is passionate about building eco-friendly sustainable communities. He loves yoga, music, sharing knowledge, and providing educational skills important for the emerging world. He directs a tropical campus on Big Island, Hawaii.

  • Moises Porras

    Production Manager

    From Costa Rica, with music production and live audio experience, He puts all of his knowledge to the service of AWA´s goal, to heal the world with a naturalist, higher consciousness, and love-driven sounds for all humanity.