AWA Retreats and Student Programs.

These are internships, apprenticeships, and retreats AWA offers.

we offer opportunity for learning and teaching in these catergories:

Regenerative Architectural Design

Organic Gardening and Food Foresting


Natural Health and Wellness

AWA Retreats and student programs include these fundamental points

The philosophy of AWA is simple: surrender to pure love. Over many years, many students have found the program to be life-changing. Before agreeing to the guidelines listed below. Make sure you are ready for a very challenging lifestyle change, as well as deep introspective journeying to completely expose and remove the separator-ego that held you from consciously experiencing the full love of your Creator. 

Your life is a movie… Your experience at Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary is a chapter in your movie. You have been created with unique traits and will be affected differently by external practices, changes, and disciplines. You also have free will to choose your true level of commitment to the curriculum. In this experiment, you have the choice to decide, each moment, how you wish to proceed inthe experiment, and to what level and depth of commitment you wish to participate. You decide what character you play in the movie called "Your Life." 

At the end of the experience, if you chose to follow the entire curriculum, then you will be able to evaluate your experience based on full participation in the curriculum. The intern who chose to only follow a portion of the curriculum would have a more limited perspective for evaluation. (Half butt participation = half butt evaluation.) Treat this like boot camp…. that you consciously signed up for and paid for! Your teachers are not here to baby you or play «fluff the ego." We are here to assist you in awakening to truth. Again, you decide how high you want to fly... are you in basic training for kindergarten or are you a Jedi? Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary does offer all kinds of education. Please write down which level of student vou seek to be while here. 

The student who seeks true mastery first must master the self. If aspects of self-mastery were left-incomplete since childhood, then we assist in reflecting and shining light so that you come to mastery and greater awakening. 

Self-mastery = having allowed the soul to master the body, the mind, and the emotions. 

Upon completion of student programs here at Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary you will have gained experiences. You choose how to then proceed regarding your continuing lifestyle. With success, you will have consciously encountered LOVE, and will have established and strengthened new and stronger connections with God. This connection bears fruit in your interactions with mankind and all of creation. Self-mastery produces the result of a life of peace and service while ushering in the rule of LOVE on the planet. For this purpose, Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary exists to serve you with truth in love. let's just cut through the formalities now. we are here to "kick your booty." so to speak - so that you may remove all the lies from your life - body, mind, and emotions - and live life awake and surrendered to the Most High. We also invite you to join the booty kickin' squad... because We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers and iron sharpens iron. Basically, we maintain the sanctuary free from "separator-ego" by constantly exposing it and remaining humbly submitted to one another in LOVE 

The following list of agreements is set as a basic guideline for the term of the internship. Before commencing on the journey of this experience, please read and agree to the guidelines. This program is designed as an advanced spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical training program. designed as Jedi-like training rather than kindergarten-like. The program is designed to be fun, exciting, and difficult. We are not saying that the guidelines here are the only way to hear or know God. We simply invite you to fully join the experiment and make an individual evaluation at the conclusion of the course whether the curriculum has been effective in completely and utterly flipping your world upside down. When all of the clutter has been removed from the body, the mind, and the emotions, then the soul can hear clearly and truly soar in the Spirit. You decide when to go to each new level of your awakening.   

We have no desire to change another person, nor do we wish to push our beliefs on anyone else. The purpose of these agreements is to ensure that you - the willing student - truly understands and desires to enter into this intense full-scale, self-realization boot camp. We teach that greater freedom can be achieved through greater discipline. We also state that it is the responsibility of the student to apply greater self-discipline in order to achieve greater freedom. Free from dogma, doctrine, control, manipulation, or ego-agenda - We have programs in place to help you awaken to who you really are. By signing this document and by arriving at Awakening Soul Farth Training Sanctuary, you choose to follow the guidelines as an experiment in living. 

Please read each of the following agreements. If necessary, communicate clearly with your intake advisor about concerns you may have. If you are sure that the Spirit is leading you here, and/or are completely ready to commit to completing the course…. then, and only then, please: initial with one letter next to each agreement 

1. Personal/Spiritual  

  • a. Personal Spiritual Practice 

i. I agree to spend a minimum of 20 minutes alone in the morning, before engaging in conversation with others, or beginning daily tasks. This is a time for consciously seeking God and asking for direction and guidance for the day. This time of meditation may include: prayer, playing an instrument, reading, doing stretching / hatha yoga, or other practices, which bring me consciously closer to God. 

b. Group activities 

i. I agree to attend and engage in offered group meetings, classes, and workshops. 

c. Reading/Music/Movies 

I. agree to read all assigned readings. 

ii. I agree to not read newspapers, magazines, novels, or any writings, which do not actively support positive growth. 

iii. I agree to listen to and play only music, which has a positive or uplifting influence. 

iv. I realize that the experience at Awakening Soul Earth Training Sanctuary is unplugged from cell phones and the Internet and I am choosing to fully experiment without electronic devices. 

v. I agree not to use a personal laptop or other electronic device, except for directly working on assignments if assigned by an Awakening Soul instructor. 

Vi. I agree to not bring iPods, game devices, cell phones, or other similar devices. If I brought any device, I agree to place it in safe, dry storage with the Awakening Soul staff, for the duration of my internship. 

d. Writing 

i. I agree to keep a written journal of my experience. 

ii. I agree to complete the assigned writing assignments  

2. Community living 

a. Cleanliness/Organization 

i. I agree to clean up after using an area or item, including dishes, gardens, etc. 

ii. I agree to keep my personal space clean and tidy at all times. 

iii. I agree to make my bed immediately upon waking in the morning. 

iv. I agree dry clothes only on the provided clothing lines. 

v. I agree to do my part in cleaning community spaces. 

vi. I agree not to make any major changes (paint, construction, etc) to any space without receiving proper authorization 

vii. I agree to compensate justly if I were to cause damage (broken items, damage to living space, lost community items, etc) 

b. Mutual respect 

i. l agree to speak to others in a positive manner and with positive words. 

ii. I agree to encourage others. 

iii. I agree to encourage myself. 

iv. I agree to speak up to other students and to visitors, so that we may all remain humbly accountable in the spirit of LOVE, to all of these agreements. 

v. I agree not to put down others. 

vi. I agree not to put down myself. 

vii. I agree not to gossip, or engage in fault finding, or blame. 

viii. I agree to use positive and conscious language. 

ix. I agree to practice silence in or near sleeping spaces during quiet times. 

x. I agree to practice silence in or near quiet zones and meditation huts 

xi. In areas where I am in authority, I agree to exercise authority in humility and with a heart of service. 

xii. I agree to practice peaceful and conscious communication.  

C. 3 Step Conflict resolution 

i. If there were an issue, a problem, or an important question with someone, I agree to go directly to that person in love to talk about the issue to work it out. 

ii. If 1st attempt was unsuccessful, I agree to talk to that person again, with one other person as a mediator. 

iii. If that attempt was still unsuccessful, I agree to take the issue before the group. 

3. Nutrition 

a. Food 

i. I understand that I am entering a sanctuary, which is a natural healing center. I understand that the diet includes pure and mostly local food. I agree to eat within the nutritional guidelines even if off campus, includes making the effort to avoid eating or drinking the following for the period of the course I have enrolled in: 

1. Meat (including fish), non-organic dairy, coffee, artificial preservatives, colors, flavors, etc.; refined flour; refined sugar; funky nasty chemical packaged things; or refined or hydrogenated oils. 

b. Smoking/drugs/alcohol  

i. I agree not to smoke cigarettes or use other forms of tobacco. 

ii. I agree not to use alcohol or drugs, including pharmaceutical or prescribed medications, which alter mood or consciousness. (Note: if you have any issue with this agreement, or any other, please communicate with your intake advisor.) 

4. Relationships 

a. This is not a place for casual sexual interaction, nor is your course here a time to be actively seeking a romantic relationship. 

b. I agree to focus on my personal, internal-development, rather than sexual or romantic kinds of interactions. 

c. I understand that I am entering a program, which is consciously facilitating the letting go of distractions such as lust and "sex appeal". Therefore, I agree to wear appropriate clothing (No short shorts or skirts, see through clothing, shirts that show off cleavage or belly, clothing with rips in the booty or crotch area, spandex, clothing with logos or advertisement etc... I agree ti wear underwear, to not walk from the shower with just a towel. 

d. I agree to not flirt or send out sexual energy to others in awakening soul earth training sanctuary. 

f. I agree to a period of complete celibacy (including mental) during the course of study at awakening soul earth training sanctuary. 


I choose now to completely surrender to LOVE. 

We believe in you, come join us.
(506) 8884-4299

242 Road
Chirripó, Monterey, Rivas, Pérez Zeledón, San Isidro, Costa Rica